Fear: Change’s Constant Companion

Today I hiked a volcano! I love exploring new environments and am always excited to get started on a new adventure.

At the same time, I’m afraid.

I can see the destination, I want to get there, and I know I’m capable, but I also recognize the potential danger. On today’s hike I slipped on scree and ended up in the dirt.  Thankfully, no injuries. A woman who was descending wasn’t so lucky and I watched as she was airlifted out.

We know that fear is the common denominator for all resistance to change. But we don’t always realize that everyone carries some fear, including those excited about a change. Don’t assume that enthusiasm means “no fear.” Everyone knows there are risks. Ignoring them doesn’t make them go away.
Going Public with Fear
Anxiety and excitement are two sides of the same coin. Astronauts carry fear as they approach the moon. Formula one drivers carry fear that they lock down during the race. Leaders harbor fears that their people won’t follow.
Yet, none of them take their eyes off the goal. None turn back or confess a lack of belief in the goal. They accept the fear and draw upon everything that will help them reach the summit. They persist. Their focus and anticipation overrules the fear.

We want the power of anticipation to outstrip the power of fear.

There’s an opportunity here! What happens when the leader or champion confesses a degree of fear? Does it make them look weaker or stronger? Done right, a confession of fear can energize everyone.

Communicating Fear
Does your change plan pay attention to the reality of fear? Can you normalize those feelings before they escalate?

Knowing we are not alone in our fear reduces anxiety and provides the opportunity to draw on the support of the group to keep moving forward. Yes, we want a positive growth mindset. We also want a realistic mindset. We cannot address what we do not accept.

Thoughtfully yours,
Jeff Skipper

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