
Three Types of Resistance

Three Types of Resistance

Resistance comes in many forms. This article describes how to determine where people land on the resistance continuum and how to move them toward adoption.
Assessing Readiness: 50 Indicators

Assessing Readiness: 50 Indicators

Wouldn’t it be great if someone collected all the best questions you should ask to assess whether people are ready to embrace change? Well, I did!
The Change Metaphor Menu

The Change Metaphor Menu

There are many ways to describe change. Here are the best metaphors you can use to energize people about the journey to something new.
Setting up for Go-Live Success

Setting up for Go-Live Success

When you are getting close to putting a change into effect, the to do list can be overwhelming. A lot has to happen in a coordinate fashion. This checklist captures the most important actions to prepare for before, during, and after go-live.
Defuse Team Conflict

Defuse Team Conflict

Teams easily get derailed by conflict. How do your team members interact? The HBR article “How to Preempt Team Conflict” provides extremely practical guidance. With credit to the authors, I summarized a discussion process required to get teams off to a strong start by addressing all potential hot buttons.
Rapid Change Plan

Rapid Change Plan

Change has been simplified to lead you to success. Clean and customizable, this change plan has been streamlined throughout my career to include exactly what you’ll need for the process. Change has been made faster than ever before!
The Organizational Change Program Kickstarter

The Organizational Change Program Kickstarter

Agents of change need to hit the ground running when joining a new project. With the Organizational Change Program Kickstarter, I’ve outlined the most critical resources to tap into to rapidly assess a program and the business environment in relation to change work. Check the checklist: How many of these have you used?
The Executive Interview

The Executive Interview

You want to use time effectively. Show executives you come prepared with The Executive Interview Guide: 15 of the best questions for efficiently uncovering a leader’s perspective on strategic objectives.
Strategy Accelerator

Strategy Accelerator

5 BIG LEVERS with assessment tool you can apply to drive faster adoption necessary for businesses to win and keep winning. I’ll send it right away when you enter your email below.
99 Ways to Measure Success

99 Ways to Measure Success

Everyone asks – how do I measure change? How do I prove the project has been successful? I’ve compiled 99 indicators that change is taking hold. Get the list!
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