Change: People will do it wrong!

QR codes are quite simple to understand. You scan it like a barcode and are typically directed to a website. You might consider them foolproof. I was recently in Portugal on a river cruise where we were required to scan our QR code ID badge every time we left or returned...

Impact Assessment Made Simple: Skill and Will

You want to take a drive out to the mountains. Good choice! But two basic problems could happen: You don’t know how to drive You have no fuel No skill and no will mean no motion. I love simple ways of determining the impact of change. Some of you will be...

Purpose Still Propels Change

"Why." It's the favorite word for children, constantly seeking one goal: Purpose.What’s In It For Me (WIIFM) is a fancy phrase for “Why.” It, too, seeks purpose. If you want me to do something new, I need to know why: Why me Why now Why would I want to do...

Kill Stupid Rules to Ratchet up Change Momentum

I’m working with a client to increase the pace of innovation, not just for a short-time run, but as a permanent part of their culture.We are leveraging a plethora of tactics that work: Setting the stage during onboarding Teaching leaders the basics of rewarding the right behaviors Shifting the metric...

When Change Leaders Must Be Harsh

“Why can’t they just do it already?”It’s a common complaint for leaders. The goal is clear, training has been provided, and supports are in place. Why aren’t people adapting? A good question. There are many reasons and leaders should look at themselves first with these factors in mind: Clarity: Have we...

How Fun Drives Change

Would you drink pickle juice? Incur rope burn in a game of tug of war? I just spent more than two hours of my core productive time at a party. Was it worth it??? I’m currently working on a culture improvement initiative with a client. They mentioned that they were running...

Three Reasons You Need a Project Countdown

I hate going to the dentist. Cleanings are OK, but when that drill comes out, my whole body turns into a Gordian knot. However, when she begins, “Five, four, three…” I relax…a little.I’ve always used countdowns as a way to raise anticipation and excitement but my dental trauma has opened...

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