How You Demean Employees and the Key to Stopping it

I hate riding exercise bikes. In fact, I consider all machine-based cardio to be evil. It's boring, even with a TV in place, to be working so hard to get nowhere. No one associates the word "engaging" with cardio equipment. Gallup's engagement data is often quoted for it's mind-numbing finding...

From Survive to Thrive: How to Align People on Success

When companies want to grow, differentiate, or compete effectively, they don't take baby steps. They transform. If your involved in a transformation initiatives, your success will be directly correlated to how well you engage people. Without having everyone pulling in the same direction, your chances of reaching your goals are...

The Secret Skill that Separates Leaders From Managers

Dawn has some fantastic ideas. She is the regional GM for an IT services company, having fast-tracked from a tech role in just four years. She figures she can add another $2M to the company's bottom line if they add two service options that clients keep asking for. Sounds like...

How to Micromanage so Your Team Will Love You

When I worked for one of Canada's big banks, we had an executive that insisted on final signoff for all training. That was fine, but she regularly wordsmithed the work sending us back several stages in our development effort. The feedback was not considered 'value add' and instead indicated a...

Accelerating with a Backward Glance

"Our weakest area as a team? Taking time to reflect. We never look back." It's a typical sentiment that moving fast means always moving forward. Standing still makes you a target. Those of you who have been following the Skipper Report for years might have noticed things have been quiet...

What it means to be a Thoughtfully Ruthless® Leader

While preparing for an executive review at The Salvation Army, we took a brief pause and the CIO said, “Jeff, I thought you’d want to know that I heard one of my managers tell his team that he was going to exit a call because he wasn’t needed. They could...

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