Are you passing it on?

Ten years ago, I brought my son to the gym and got him started lifting weights with an empty bar – the lightest weight possible. Now he goes five times a week and can lift a lot more than me (because I don’t want to show off!). Lately, I’ve noticed a number of father-son pairs showing up at the gym. Ages are all over the map. I’m certain that one dad is in his 60s and son in his 30s as they cycle back and forth on the pulley machine.
Parents want to pass on what they’ve learned, what they’ve found beneficial, and what has brought them joy. Whether you are a parent or not, we all have a responsibility to pass on what we’ve learned – to help others avoid painful mistakes and realize their best possible selves.
When I graduated from University and was job-hunting, I made hundreds of calls to leaders in the roles that I was pursuing. Several immediately responded with offers to meet for coffee. They shared recommendations and referrals abundantly. When I started my own business in 2008, I did the same. Coffee meetings were a regular occurrence on my calendar – I remember having six back-to-back coffee meetings in one day! Providing career advice, connections, or just a bit of encouragement meant so much to others.
In the last six months, I’ve had fantastic chats with colleagues from Finland, Egypt, and Australia. An international group of facilitators is helping me finish up some content for my next book. Community is a wonderful thing for learning!
When I look back on my career, I realize I have been deeply blessed. Not a single day without work, clients, and income. Many have asked me if I can share more about how I achieved that. So, finally, I’m doing it!
I’m piloting a Consulting Masterclass series beginning February 19th. I’ve kept the entry fee low for the first group. Check it out and let me know what you think! It’s time to pass it on 🙂

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