The Express Communication Checker

One of my clients was about to embark on a merger that would likely produce some layoffs and completely shift how employees would work. I was asked to review their communications.  Mergers and acquisitions always produce fear. Therefore, I first checked that messaging would be high touch: Live, in-person, and...

Send the right signal

Once a year I go through my closet and pull out clothes I haven’t worn for years. They are just taking up space. I look around my office periodically and focus on items that have faded out of awareness. Is it time to remove some knick-knacks? Recycle printed articles I...

Strengthen Resilience with Stay Interviews

Building a change-resilient organization must be a data-driven endeavour. I’m a fan of well-designed engagement surveys but I love targeted interviews and focus groups to gather rich feedback about why people feel energized, tired, or disconnected. I’m working with a client to design a stay interview. Along with exit interviews, stay...

The Permanence Curve

When a change is first introduced, people often struggle to adapt. The challenge makes it attractive to work around the change or go back to old ways of working. "But I know how to do it the old way so much faster!" It's a fair argument.  Your company is investing...

Leading Change is like Managing Cybersecurity Risk

Gartner recently released a fantastic keynote about managing cybersecurity and it resonated with the work we do to lead change successfully: 1. Resistance is like Ransomware: There is ALWAYS risk of an attack.Part of my consulting work involves teaching salespeople how to sell more effectively. In the technology industry, I coach them to...

Your Goal is not Go-Live

In her book Nonstop Sales Boom!, sales guru Colleen Francis writes about how the typical quota-driven quarterly cycle rewards the wrong behavior. Customers learn that salespeople are more willing to do discounts near the end of a quarter when the push is on to meet targets. The week after a quarter...

Debate! What’s Your Change Culture?

Two weeks ago, I featured an approach to stimulating team development, and you gave it a big thumbs up! So, here’s another. I’m intrigued by what people do, what they say, and how they respond to different situations. Noticing these variations gives me fuel for a constant flow of new models. People love...

Is trust critical for leading change?

Check out the image above illustrating the Canadian government's analysis of top disruptors. Number one in the near term--an inability to distinguish truth from lies--is unsurprising when you consider all the misinformation and intentional misdirection floating around social media and politics. It's a very scary situation.Consider this quote from Edelman’s 2024...

We are Tied Together

I recently ran a workshop with new exercises, and they went extremely well. I’d like to share one with you! The client wanted to help a team achieve greater alignment in their work. This can be run with a group of up to 10 people. We sat around a boardroom...

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