Kill Stupid Rules to Ratchet up Change Momentum

I’m working with a client to increase the pace of innovation, not just for a short-time run, but as a permanent part of their culture.We are leveraging a plethora of tactics that work: Setting the stage during onboarding Teaching leaders the basics of rewarding the right behaviors Shifting the metric...

When Change Leaders Must Be Harsh

“Why can’t they just do it already?”It’s a common complaint for leaders. The goal is clear, training has been provided, and supports are in place. Why aren’t people adapting? A good question. There are many reasons and leaders should look at themselves first with these factors in mind: Clarity: Have we...

How Fun Drives Change

Would you drink pickle juice? Incur rope burn in a game of tug of war? I just spent more than two hours of my core productive time at a party. Was it worth it??? I’m currently working on a culture improvement initiative with a client. They mentioned that they were running...

Three Reasons You Need a Project Countdown

I hate going to the dentist. Cleanings are OK, but when that drill comes out, my whole body turns into a Gordian knot. However, when she begins, “Five, four, three…” I relax…a little.I’ve always used countdowns as a way to raise anticipation and excitement but my dental trauma has opened...

Branding Strategies for Trending Transformation

Hype is good. Empty hype is not. Twitter...err, under pressure. Meta's competitor Threads recently launched to huge fanfare (see my analysis: Don't be a Twit(ter): How to build strategic resilience). Elon Musk needed to respond, but by doing something different.  Add features? Nope Tackle cyber-bullying? Nope Fix the blue verification...

Is change really a struggle??

Who wants another model of change? We need it like another hole in the head. They are all pretty much the same. However, in her book “Next! The Power of Reinvention in Life and Work” Joanne Lipman discusses four stages people go through during personal transformation: Search – When you...

Learning from the slow driver

Have you ever found yourself stuck behind someone driving slow? I admit, even 5mph/kmh below the limit and I start to feel…constrained.If you’re in a rush, this is a recipe for anger. Some drivers flash their lights and honk. Road rage is a real risk. But not for me. I...

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